Monday, May 9, 2011

Carb-Free Day

Made it through a carb-free day this weekend .... well, mostly.  There was a small slice of garlic bread at dinner.  That stuff is hard to avoid on any given day, but on a carb free day it proved to be too much of a challenge for me.  It was a very unwise decision for me to make that on this day.

Honestly, it wasn't all that hard.  Took a little planning.  I wasn't totally pleased with the choices I made.  I think I did alot of substituting and ate more dairy/meat products than I needed.  But it was a start.

The BEST thing about it ..... it made me stop and think before I just grabbed something and popped it in my mouth.

A few times I found my hand reaching for a nacho chip or a pretzel, only to remember my goal for the day.

I also did something I haven't done in a while.  The hockey game was coming on and I felt snacky.  So, I whipped up a batch of homemade hummus and made a big platter of fresh veggies - which the hubs helped me devour. 

I'm going to try to do the carb-free thing at least once a week.  Because it was just a single day I didn't feel any sort of withdrawals like I've had before.  While I didn't run that day, I totally could have no problem.

One more tick off the list!



Susan @ All Things In Moderation said...

Hey! I just wanted to thank you and Syl for making me envious of you love for running. Envious enough to give it just one more try! This one stuck! I am in love. You guys have always been my running heroes, and I feel like I need to let you know and officially say THANK-YOU!
It's made such a huge difference in my life !

Tricia said...

great job

Marlene said...

The fact that it made you stop and think before putting things in your mouth is what it's all about! I'd call that SUCCESS!

Missy said...

Great job doing carb-free and on the weekend...very impressive! I am really working on limiting my carbs and making it a lunchtime option rather than dinner... Veggies before bed just seems like a good idea ;o)

Hope you have a fantastic week!!

Lynsey said...

I went starch and sugar free for about 20 days and I think the starches were much harder than the sugars. Way to go.

Fran said...

Interesting to read your experience with a carb-free day. The best thing I think is that you thought before mindlessly eat something and that's a big step in the right direction in my opinion.

Marcelle said...

Good going on your first carb free you know most of my days are carb free ~ I've found for me carbs make me feel sluggish and bloated...
Something I only found out about myself since doing the 17 DD and feeling so much better...
I love my rye roll on the weekends, and then a sweet potato every now and my muesli ~ so could never give them up totally...well have no intentions to anyway....
Why are there pretzels in your house :), they would be calling my name all day!!!

Alicia said...

I desperately need to cut down on carbs! There is way too much, "I need the carbs to fuel my running." going on over here. I do not need half the carbs I've been eating. haha!

BTW, I'd love your hummus recipe!

Syl said...

I remember doing no carbs and loved that I did not crave the crap foods.

I can't imagine giving it up all together but it definately made me more aware of what I eat and what foods help keep me full.

Great work Heidi!

OldGoogleAccount said...

Hey Heidi: sounds like you and I are alike in a lot of ways. Now if I could just get a piece of your determination I'd be in a much better place. I'm sorry to hear that things have been tough lately. I've had a difficult few months myself and I know what you mean about not wanting to let it show. I'm so glad I remembered I have a blog where I can let it all hang out. Thanks for being there for me. I hope things starting looking up soon for both of us.