Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dance Like No One is Watching

I came across this news article today that was just too good not to share.

Apparently this band was warming up at the Grey Cup and someone noticed a random worker up in the stands just enjoying the moment to the fullest.  They've been trying to identify this guy and have no idea who he is.

Reminds me of that quote "Dance Like No One is Watching".

He's pretty darn good until about the 1:20 mark.  That would be me!

Ran a rainy 6.1 miles last night.  That's 37.2 miles down, 119.7 to go!  If you say it quickly it doesn't sound so bad.  I'm actually a couple of miles ahead of where I need to be - YAY!.

I've been having a tough couple of days and my friend asked me yesterday if I wanted to skip our run.  Nope!  Better to get it in now, you never know what's gonna come up.  Besides, it was quite pleasant, despite the never ending rain.

Keep Active!



Syl said...

OMG! wow!
I would take rain over snow anyday Heidi, it's hard getting out there and running on ice paces, today was a HOT 3 degrees because a chinook blew in ;-).
Hope you are doing ok, if you need to vent you know how to find me, I'm here for you babe!

OldGoogleAccount said...

Haha! That would totally be me.

You're still my hero by the way. You have no idea how great it makes me feel to come back here after all this time and see you still running, still committed. You're amazing.

Tricia said...

youre doing a great job with the numbers!

RunToTheFinish said...

wow you are racking up some points for the HBBC with all those runs, way to go!!

Your fave sis! said...

Mwah! Just remember that I love ya!

Fran said...

I'm with Syl I prefer rain anytime over snow. I'm pissed off right now because it's perfect running weather today but the walking paths and roads where I run are just to icy and slippery so running outside is not an option. So going to get my but together after finishing this comment and head to the gym.

I love the video because he's just enjoying himself so much. Had to laugh when he fell but do hope he's okay.

Terri said...

You know, thinking about it, I NEVER look back and say, "Oh, I'm so glad I skipped that run!" - I need to remember that the next time I feel like skipping one!

Marlene said...

I love a feel-good video like this... makes me smile.

Awesome job getting the run in! No stopping you now!

Nej said...

Oh crap!!! I'm still cringing.

Screen Doors Brandon said...

Hi nnice reading your blog