Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New challenge on the horizon....

I've joined a challenge over at ASH IS FIT which starts up this Friday:

I'm not aiming to lose 20 lbs, but my goal is to lose at least 7.4 lbs in 20 weeks. I'm seriously considering going on the lookout for a 'target outfit'. Hmmm, maybe I can get Tommy Europe from The Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp to pick one out for me - heehee. But, my reward will definitely be clothing related.

This is a great, informative blog - with a link to her recipes blog which is amazing. She is way more culinary adventurous than I, but it does look very interesting.

Also, part of this challenge is to make a pledge at the POUND FOR POUND CHALLENGE . Anyone can do this and I think it's a great thing and I'm glad that Ash brought this to my attention. You may have seen this on the Biggest Loser.

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