Monday, June 22, 2009

I went to the doctor today and confirmed that I have a bladder infection. I have never had one before in my life and it's rather uncomfortable. So I'm on a course of antibiotics for the next 10 days. Apparently this can cause some water retention so maybe that's an explanation for my recent increase on the scale....

He recommended I also drink lots of cranberry juice, but at 150 cal per cup I think I will get the cranberry supplements because they are supposed to work just as well. I don't need the added sugar and calories.

The receptionist commented on my weight loss. It's been about a year since I saw her last and she said I was looking really good. :)

Tonight I met up with two girlfriends and we basically did a bootcamp style workout. We ran the track, ran stairs, did a variety of strength moves. Since my classes will be ending this week I'd like to continue doing this on my own throughout the summer.

Though, if I'm going to be working out on my own again I want to create a workout schedule so that I'm balancing out all my muscles. I've been very lax in this area lately and haven't been getting really well rounded workouts.

Today's menu:

Breakfast - 2 sl rye bread, 1 oz. cheese - grilled cheese sandwich (4)
Lunch - 4 c. raw veggies, grilled chicken wrap with Light Laughing Cow cheese wedge, Nectarine (5)
Snack - Plum, 1 c. cranberry juice (4)
Dinner - Weight Watchers Meatloaf (6)
Dessert - 1 iced oatmeal cookie (2)

Total Points - 21

Exercise - 90 min running & strength

I've been trying for a few days to make asian salad wraps, per Syl's instructions. But I've been to 3 stores already and they've all been sold out of the rice wraps. I'm going to try one more store and if I can't find it I guess I'll just make it as a salad in a bowl type thing instead. Frustrating.

Tomorrow is my daughter's Grade 7 Grad Farewell. They have a ceremony and a dinner, then we leave and they have a dance. I have NO idea what will be served for dinner. Though I saw someone bringing in a big container of salad dressing so hopefully there will be some salad and/or veggies. I'll just practice portion control and make the best choices I can.


Jen, a priorfatgirl said...

eeekkk - I've never had a bladder infection but always heard how painful they are. Hope the antibiotics quicked in quickly!

You bootcamp with friends sound great, how often are you going to be doing that?

Syl said...

Heidi, I find mine at Superstore (not sure if you have one where you are) but I find them in the "ethnic" sections. Do you guys maybe have a chinese supermarket in town.. i'm sure they would be there.

Sorry to hear about the bladder infection, hope it's a speedy recovery!

Lisa said...

yikes! i've never had a bladder infection but i hear they are OW!

and YAY on the compliment, those always feel awesome no?